Ten Forward Blog
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Showing Results for Keyword: tech (clear)

"Adapt and Persist": Education and tech during COVID-19
Published: October 29, 2020
By Staff
Ten Forward has been privileged to work with a wide variety of clients in the education sector, many with an emphasis on increasing equity in the American school system. Given the upheaval education has faced in our country during the current pandemic, we reached out to some of those clients to learn more about how they've adapted their programs and structure over the last 9 months. (Read more)
A Guide to Effective Pairing in Tech: Junior Pair Edition
Published: November 5, 2019
By Hilary Stohs-Krause

A Guide to Effective Pairing in Tech: Senior Pair Edition
Published: September 16, 2019
By Hilary Stohs-Krause

Ten Forward will be doing ALL the things at Forward Fest this year
Published: August 15, 2019
By Staff
Forward Fest is almost here! Wisconsin's largest tech and entrepreneurship festival starts Aug. 22nd and runs through Aug. 29th, and Ten Forwarders will be in the thick of it learning, sharing, experiencing and encouraging. Here's a sampling of events we're involved with. (Read more)

How we solved the LaTeX caching problem that never ended
Published: August 1, 2019
By Staff
Caching and hex digests and LaTeX ... oh my! (Read more)

Talking UX and design in Honolulu
Published: March 7, 2019
By Staff
Last month, Ten Forward software developer Hilary Stohs-Krause gave a talk address at the inaugural JSConf Hawai'i on how to make websites not ugly (we know, her life is so hard). (Read more)

Ten Forward to speak at RailsConf 2019
Published: February 21, 2019
By Staff
We're going to learn ALL the things. (Read more)

Ten Forward recap of "Madison+ Ruby: Chicago" 2018
Published: October 24, 2018
By Staff
When Madison+ Ruby hit the road and went to Chicago, we naturally followed! We sent five crew members along, sponsored lanyards, and spoke about the secret skills bootcampers bring to tech. (Read more)

Hiring Interns You Love
Published: October 16, 2018
By Katrina Tofflemire
Hiring interns you want to hire and giving experiences that matter. (Read more)

Janie wrote a book!
Published: January 23, 2018
By Victoria Guerrero
Learn about Ten Forward developer Janie's book-writing process for her latest publication, about graphics programming for the iPhone. (Read more)
Rails 5 Upgrade: Why It's Worth It
Published: January 22, 2018
By Victoria Guerrero
Here's a quick overview of what Rails 5 has to offer, and why an update could save you time and money. (Read more)

Social Impact and Tech in Madison
Published: December 8, 2017
By Katrina Tofflemire
Ten Forwarders organized and spoke at an event to bring tech and non-profits together to create change in the Madison community. (Read more)

#juniordevlife: Why pairing matters
Published: July 20, 2017
By Charielle McMullan
Our intern shares her three reasons why pairing with other programmers is important for junior developers. (Read more)

Repost: "2016 Recap: The Madison Startup Scene"
Published: January 25, 2017
By Staff
Capital Entrepreneurs looks back at the growth and expansion of Madison's startup community in 2016 - everything from employment to funding to office space. (Read more)

CSS responsive trick: How to create an "ellipsify" class
Published: December 6, 2016
By Hilary Stohs-Krause
Tables aren't known for being particularly responsive, but at times, using them is unavoidable; when that's the case, sometimes all it takes is a little CSS to make a big difference. (Read more)