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Ten Forward Blog

tech • mobile • web • madison, wisconsin

Our Contributors

Automating timecop gem for testing time-dependent Ruby code

Published: April 11, 2016
By Staff

Want to (literally) save some time? Start using config flags with timecop. (Read more)

Make a sweet mobile menu with CSS

Published: March 28, 2016
By Staff

Using CSS (or, in our case, Sass) and minimal JavaScript, make an animated open/close button for your website's menu. (Read more)

Why you should get a custom design for your website

Published: March 23, 2016
By Kari Kay

Websites are quickly becoming the primary mouthpiece for brick-and-mortar and online companies alike. Here are some pros and cons to consider when deciding between using a pre-built web template or investing in a custom-built website.  (Read more)

Gadgets Mark Hates: Amazon Echo

Published: March 22, 2016
By Mark Norman

His name is Mark Norman, and he's addicted to buying new gadgets so that you don't have to. In this new series, Mark reviews those gadgets, including the boring, the just plain bad and the ugly (in Mark's experience, there is no "good"). This month, he talks about the Amazon Echo and 10,000 bananas. (Read more)

Jellybean-surprise! (Or, how to change "localhost" to whatever you fancy)

Published: March 16, 2016
By Hilary Stohs-Krause

It's quick and easy and doesn't really matter (most of the time), but if you're easily amused, it's well worth the 30 seconds. (Read more)

How to kickstart PostgreSQL

Published: February 17, 2016
By Brian Samson

Rails server not working? Might be PostgreSQL is failing silently. (Read more)

Repost: 2015 Recap

Published: January 28, 2016
By Brian Samson

A look back at how Ten Forward grew over the past year. (Read more)

Ten Forward welcomes new crew members

Published: October 15, 2015
By Staff

Pop quiz:

Which recent addition to Ten Forward ...
A) Has an addiction to gadgets
B) Throws birthday parties for their cats (Read more)

The Illusion of Content Management Systems

Published: October 15, 2015

Content management systems are all the rage these days, but they come with hidden costs. (Read more)

In Praise of Gusto's Customer Service

Published: October 15, 2015

Dealing with terrible customer service is a common complaint, but Gusto is a breath of fresh air. (Read more)

Accounting for Daylight Saving Time with Rails ActiveSupport::TimeZone

Published: September 17, 2015
By Staff

Does anybody really know what time it is? (Read more)


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